​Steelhead Guide
Since 1994
The Steelhead Guide wants very much for their clients to excel at fly fishing and likes nothing more than to contribute to their fly fishing journey. So this is why we offer several cost effective approaches so you don't get lost along your way. Everyone has to start sometime and somewhere and for many their starting line was here and it can be yours too.
Guide Trips
If you want to fish a specific river or you want to try a river you never fished before or you just want to go to a river were the fishing is best, we can make it happen. Our goal is to provide you with the best experience as possible and exceed your goals.
Novice and beginners that want to learn and/or improve their skills to catch these fish look no further. We are experts at teaching you everything you need to know to hit the ground running. With our proven fast track methods we will help you succeed to whatever your goals are. With our coaching and a little work on your part, the sport of fly fishing will be yours to enjoy for a life time.
Casting Lessons
Everyone can improve upon their casting stroke and proper techniques using a single handed or two handed rod. The Steelhead Guide is where you get it done. The right ways to indicator fishing, stripping a streamer or swinging a fly all starts with the proper cast and techniqe.
All lessons are done stream side and are full or half day sessions, not by the hour. Not only do you get casting instruction; you will get experience reading the water and fishing your cast. By the end of the day the majorities who participate in this service are casting and fishing better than many, many anglers you'll see on the river.
On River Seminars (New This Year)​
For the beginner or novice this is a great opportunity to jumpstart your fly fishing journey. The seminar starts out in a river class room setting at one of our Metroparks shelters. Here you will learn about the tools, fly rods and reels and also you learn other valuable information you need to know like knots, flies and much more. Stream side you can cast our single and/or two hand rods with proper coaching and instruction and learn the right techniques to fish them. Finally there is a good possibility of some fishing as well for faster learners.
When there is enough interest from individuals who contact us we let you know. Our On River seminars are scheduled only when we have enough interest throughout the year accept the months of April and May our busy times.
If you don't have equipment or gear, please don't run out and purchase it, wait until you finish the class because it’s important you purchase exactly what is right for you. We most likely have what you'll need, rods and waders. Buy what you need later, we'll go over what's right for you.
Guest Speaker and Events​
If you need a guest speaker or a fly tier for an event such as a club meeting or EXPO and specifically on the subject of steelhead fly fishing, please contact us.